  1. 1. Chapter 6 Concurrency Enhancements
    1. 1.1. ConcurentHashMap Improvements
      1. 1.1.1. Updating Values
      2. 1.1.2. Bulk Operations
      3. 1.1.3. Set Views

Chapter 6 Concurrency Enhancements

ConcurentHashMap Improvements

mappingCount: returns the size as a long in case it’s too large.

An attacker can slow down a program by crafting a large number of strings that hash to the same value. As of Java 8, the concurrent hash map organizes the buckets as trees, not lists, when the key type implements Comparable, guaranteeing O(log(n)) performance.

Updating Values

The following is not threadsafe

Long oldValue = map.get(word);
Long newValue = oldValue == null ? 1 : oldValue + 1;
map.put(word, newValue); // not atomic, another thread can be updating at the same time

replace: replacing a known old value with a new one.

do {
oldValue = map.get(word);
newValue = oldValue == null ? 1 : oldValue + 1;
} while (!map.replace(word, oldValue, newValue));

You can also use a ConcurrentHashMap<String, AtomicLong> or, with Java 8, a ConcurrentHashMap<String, LongAdder>

map.putIfAbsent(word, new LongAdder()); // ensures that a LongAdder is there

compute: called with a key and a function to compute the new value. That function receives the key and the associated value, or null if there is none, and it computes the new value.

map.compute(word, (k, v) -> v == null ? 1 : v + 1);

You cannot have null values in a ConcurrentHashMap. There are many methods that use a null value as an indication that a given key is not present in the map.

computeIfPresent: only computes a new value when there is already an old one.
computeIfAbsent: only computes a new value when there isn’t yet an old one.

A map of LongAdder counters can be updated with

// LongAdder constructor is only called when a new counter is actually needed
map.computeIfAbsent(word, k -> new LongAdder()).increment();

merge: can do something special when a key is added for the first time. It has a particular parameter for the initial value that is used when the key is not yet present. Otherwise, the function that you supplied is called, combining the existing value and the initial value. (Unlike compute, the function does not process the key.)

map.merge(word, 1L, (existingValue, newValue) -> existingValue + newValue);
// more simply
map.merge(word, 1L, Long::sum);

If the function that is passed to compute or merge returns null, the existing entry is removed from the map.

The function should not do a lot of work, otherwise other updates to the map may be blocked. And it should also not update other parts of the map.

Bulk Operations

The bulk operations travers the map and operate on the elements they find as they go along. No effort is made to freeze a snapshot of the map in time. Unless you happen to know that the map is not being modified while a bulk operation runs, you should treat its result as an approximation of the map’s state.

3 kinds of operations:

  • search:applies a function to each key and/or value, until the function yields a non-null result.
  • reduce: combines all keys and/or values, using a provided accumulation function.
  • forEach: applies a function to all keys and/or values.

Each operation has 4 versions:

  • searchKeys / reduceKeys / forEachKey: operates on keys
  • searchValues / reduceValues / forEachValue: operates on values
  • search / reduce / forEach: operates on keys and values
  • searchEntries / reduceEntries / forEachEntry: operates on Map.Entry objects

You need to specify a parallelism threshold with each of the operations. If the map contains more elements than the threshold, the bulk operation is parallelized. If you want to run single thread, use a threshold of Long.MAX_VALUE. If you want the max number of threads, use a threshold of 1.


U searchKeys(long threshold, Function<? super K, ? extends U> f)
U searchValues(long threshold, Function<? super V, ? extends U> f)
U search(long threshold, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends U> f)
U searchEntries(long threshold, Function<Map.Entry< K, V>, ? extends U> f)

Find the first word that occurs more than 1000 times

String result =, (k, v) -> v > 1000 ? k : null);

The result is set to the first match, or to null if the search function returns null for all inputs.

2 variants of forEach: the first one simply applies a consumer function for each map entry:

map.forEach(threshold, (k, v) -> System.out.println(k + "->" + v));

The second takes an additional transformer function, which is applied first, and its result is passed to the consumer:

(k, v) -> k + "->" + v, // Transformer
System.out::println); // Consumer

The transformer can be used as a filter. Whenever the transformer returns null, the value is silently skipped.

// only print large values
(k, v) -> v > 1000 ? k + "->" + v : null, // Filter and transformer
System.out::println); // The nulls are not passed to the consumer

reduce: combines inputs with an accumulation function

// sum of all values
Long sum = map.reduceValues(threshold, Long::sum);

You can also supply a transformer function.

Integer maxLength = map.reduceKeys(threshold,
String::length, // Transformer
Integer::max); // Accumulator

The transformer can also be a filter.

Long count = map.reduceValues(threshold,
v -> v > 1000 ? 1L : null,

The reduce operation returns null, if the map is empty, or all entries have been filtered out. If there is only one element, its transformation is returned, and the accumulator is not applied.

There are specializations for int, long and double outputs with suffix ToInt, ToLong, and ToDouble. You need to transform the input to a primitive value and specify a default value and an accumulator function. The default value is returned when the map is empty.

long sum = map.reduceValuesToLong(threshold,
Long::longValue, // Transformer to primitive type
0, // Default value for empty map
Long::sum // Primitive type accumulator

These specializations act differently from the object versions where there is only one element to be considered. Instead of returning the transformed element, it is accumulated with the default. Therefore, the default must be the neutral element of the accumulator.

Set Views

The static newKeySet method yields a Set<K> that is actually a wrapper around a ConcurrentHashMap<Km, Boolean>. (All map values are Boolean.TRUE.)

Set<String> words = ConcurrentHashMap.<String>newKeySet();

keySet: yields the set of keys. The set is mutable. If you remove the set’s elements, the keys(and their values) are removed from the map. But it doesn’t make sense to add elements to the key set, becase there would be no corresponding values to add. Java 8 adds a second keySet method to ConcurrentHashMap, with a default value, to be used when adding elements to the set:

Set<String> words = map.keySet(1L);

If “Java” wasn’t already present in words, it now has a value of one.

  1. 1. Chapter 6 Concurrency Enhancements
    1. 1.1. ConcurentHashMap Improvements
      1. 1.1.1. Updating Values
      2. 1.1.2. Bulk Operations
      3. 1.1.3. Set Views