  1. 1. Chapter 3 Programming with Lambdas
    1. 1.1. Deferred Execution
    2. 1.2. Parameters of Lambda Expressions
    3. 1.3. Choosing a Functional Interface

Chapter 3 Programming with Lambdas

Learn how to create your own libraries that make use of lambda expressions and functional interfaces.

Key points:

  • Main reason for using lambda expression: defer the execution of the code until an appropriate time
  • When a lambda expression is executed, make sure to provide any required data as inputs
  • Choose one of the existing functional interfaces if you can
  • It’s often useful to write methods that return an instance of a functional interface
  • When you work with transformations, consider how you can compose them
  • To compose transformations lazily, you need to keep a list of all pending transformations and apply them in the end
  • If you need to apply a lambda many times, you often have a chance to split up the work into subtasks that execute concurrently
  • Think what should happen when you work with a lambda expression that throws an exception
  • When working with generic functional interfaces, use ? super wildcards for argument types, ? extends wildcards for return types
  • When working with generic types that can be transformed by functions, consider supplying map and flatMap

Deferred Execution

The point of all lambdas is deferred execution. Reasons for executing code later:

  • Running the code in a separate thread
  • Running the code multiple times
  • Running the code at the right point in an algorithm(e.g, the comparison operation in sorting)
  • Running the code when something happens(a buttom was clicked, data has arrived, etc.)
  • Running the code only when necessary

Suppose you log an event:

1"x: " + x + ", y: " + y);

If the log level is set to suppress INFO messages, the message string still gets computed and passed to the method, then it would be thrown away. It would be nicer if the string concatenation only happened when necessary.

Running code only when necessary is a use case for lambdas. Write a method that:

  1. Accepts the lambda
  2. Checks whether it should be called
  3. Calls it when necessary
public static void info(Logger logger, Supplier<String> message) {
if (logger.isLoggable(;

The info method, as well as other logging methods, now have variants that accept a Supplier<String>. You can directly call -> "x: " + x + ", y: " + y);

Parameters of Lambda Expressions

Comparator has 2 arguments

(s, t) ->, t.length()));

This method repeats an action multiple times

public static void repeat(int n, IntConsumer action) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) action.accept(i);

We tell the action in which iteration it occurs. The action needs to capture that input in a parameter.

repeat(10, i -> System.out.println("Countdown: " + (9 - i)));

An event handler button.setOnAction(event -> action). The event object carries information that the action may need.

In general, you want to design your algorithm so that it passes any required information as arguments. However, if these arguments are rarely needed, consider supplying a second version that doesn’t force users into accepting unwanted arguments.

public static void repeat(int n, Runnable action) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++);

This version can be called as

repeat(10, () -> System.out.println("Hello, world!"));

Choosing a Functional Interface

Function types are structural.

To specify a function that maps 2 strings into an integer, you use Function2<String, String, Integer> or (String, String) -> int.

In Java, you instead declare the intent of the function, using a functional interface such as Comparator<String>.

In the theory of programming languages this is called nominal typing.

If you want to accept “any function” without particular semantics, there are some options.

Functional Interfaces Parameter Types Return Type Abstract Method Name Description Other Methods
Runnable none void run Runs an action without arguments or return value
Supplier<T> none T get Supplies a value of type T
Consumer<T> T void accept Consumes a value of type T andThen
BiConsumer<T, U> T, U void accept Consumes values of types T and U andThen
Function<T, R> T R apply A function with argument of type T compose
BiFunction<T, U, R> T, U R apply A function with arguments of types T and U andThen
UnaryOperator<T> T T apply A unary operator on the type T compose
BinaryOperator<T, T> T, T T apply A binary operator of the type T andThen
Predicate<T> T boolean test A Boolean-valued function and
Bipredicate<T, U> T, U boolean test A Boolean-valued function with 2 arguments and, or

Most of the standard functional interfaces have nonabstract methods for producing or combining functions.
Predicate.isEqual(a) is the same as a::equals, provided a is not null. And there are default methods and, or, negate for combining predicates. E.g, Predicate.isEqual(a).or(Predicate.isEqual(b)) is the same as x -> a.equals(x) || b.equals(x).

Applying Color -> Color function to each pixel.

// use UnaryOperator<Color>
Image brightenedImage = transform(image, Color::brighter);
public static Image transform(Image in, UnaryOperator<Color> f) {
int width = (int) in.getWidth();
int height = (int) in.getHeight();
WritableImage out = new WritableImage(width, height);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < height: y++)
out.getPixelWriter().setColor(x, y, f.apply(in.getPixelReader().getColor(x, y)));
return out;

No need for a ColorTransformer interface.

Functional Interfaces for Primitive Types

Functional Interface Parameter Types Return Type Abstract Method Name
BooleanSupplier none boolean getAsBoolean
PSupplier none P getAsP
PConsumer P void accept
ObjPConsumer T, p void accept
PFunction<T> p T apply
PToQFunction p q applyAsQ
ToPFunction<T> T p applyAsP
ToPBiFunction<T, U> T, U p applyAsP
PUnaryOperator p p applyAsP
PBinaryOperator p, p p applyAsP
PPredicate p boolean test

p, q is int, long, double
P, Q is Int, Long, Double

Supply your own functional interface. (int, int, Color) -> Color

public interface ColorTransformer {
Color apply(int x, int y, Color colorAtXY);

apply is used for majority of standard functional interfaces.

  1. 1. Chapter 3 Programming with Lambdas
    1. 1.1. Deferred Execution
    2. 1.2. Parameters of Lambda Expressions
    3. 1.3. Choosing a Functional Interface