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This is a series of articles published by Kai Fu Lee. I did the translation after graduation from university in summer to learn more about the technology trend and practise my translation skill.

Translation of Kaifu Lee’s post on LinkedIn - The Chinese User is More Like you Than you Think

李开复LinkedIn文章翻译之一 – 中国用户比你想象中的更像你

To an American, China feels very distant, very different, and very difficult. You hear bizarre tales, and see American companies fail in China, so you assume Chinese Internet users must be very different from you.


But actually, the Chinese Internet user is a lot like you – He browses, searches, and plays. She uses SNS, IM, and mobile apps. They all love smart phones, Angry Birds, and iPads.


But there are also significant differences between Chinese and American Internet users. Can you guess the single biggest difference?


Culture? Expressiveness? Mobility? Government regulations? No, the single largest difference is age! The average Chinese internet user is almost young enough to be the average American users son/daughter!


That is why Chinese users tend to use less email and more IM, less e-commerce and more games, less search and more blogging. See the chart below for a more detailed breakdown.


Major Usage Difference Caused By Age

The study above was done before mobile and SNS really took off in China. I’ll tell you more about these trends in the coming weeks.

