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This is a series of articles published by Kai Fu Lee. I did the translation after graduation from university in summer to learn more about the technology trend and practise my translation skill.

Four Great Inventions of Ancient China

Translation of Kaifu Lee’s post on LinkedIn - Can Chinese Companies Innovate?

李开复LinkedIn文章翻译之十 – 中国公司能创新吗?

The pictures above are the “Four Great Inventions” of China: paper, compass, printing, and gunpowder, Thousands of years later, the Chinese seem to have become laggards in innovation. Some say Chinese are just copycats. Can Chinese companies innovate? I think the answer is yes!


First, we need to have a broader definition of “innovation”. When people say “innovation”, they are often thinking of paradigm-shifting innovations like the best of the Apple or Google products. It’s true that these types of products are less likely to come from China, but actually there are many other types of innovation that China can excel at:


Localize & iterate: Taking an western product and localizing it, gradually adding elements of innovation. After many iterations, the product becomes innovative (example: Tencent QQ learning from ICQ).

本地化 & 迭代:拿一个西方的产品来并使之本地化,然后逐渐添加一些创新的元素。经过多次的迭代,产品就变得创新起来(例如:向ICQ学习的腾讯QQ)。

Cross-domain integration: Integrating multiple good ideas and creating something new out of it (example: Taobao combining the eBay auction and Google AdWords, Alipay combining PayPal wallet and protection).


Business innovation: Finding ways to maximize profit (example: freemium model in gaming was first popularized by Giant Interactive). This is a natural result during China’s stage of development – entrepreneurs and businessmen are largely driven by monetary goals.

商业模式的创新:找到最大化利润的方法(例如:游戏的免费增值模式是由巨人网络首推的)。这是在中国发展阶段的一个自然结果 – 企业家和商业家很大程度上是由金钱目标驱动的。

Need-driven innovation: “Necessity is the mother of innovation.” Yuan Longping’s hybrid rice is a good example – the government funded research in areas of the greatest need – in this case hunger from the Cultural Revolution days.

需求驱动的创新:“需求是创新之母。”袁隆平的杂交水稻是个很好的例子 – 政府资助的最大需求领域的研究 – 在这个例子中的需求是文革时期以来的饥饿。

The above types of innovation fit well with the Chinese culture and heritage – they require iterations, experimentation, dedication, and combination. And they are result-driven (as opposed to creativity-driven).

以上几类创新和中国的文化和传统相契合 – 他们需要迭代、实验、奉献和结合。他们还是以结果为导向的(和以创意为导向的相对)。

Other areas where Chinese may extend innovation include:


Areas where the Chinese government heavily subsidizes. Alternative energy may be the most likely such area.


Innovation that can be derived by exhaustive experimentation – possibly pharmaceutical area.

能够通过彻底的实验获得的创新 – 可能是制药领域。

Innovation which requires solid foundation and extreme hard work, as opposed to risk-taking and thinking out-of-the-box.


Western-trained researchers leading Chinese teams, with potential for ground-breaking innovation.


Americans are likely to lead China (and the world) in paradigm-shift innovations, but China may well become a top leader in most other types of innovations. The non-paradigm-shift innovations may be less glamorous, but they are more pervasive and less risky. As a result, China will reap great economic benefits from innovations in the coming decades.


In the next few days, I will illustrate “Chinese innovation” by covering some innovators and innovative products.

