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This is a series of articles published by Kai Fu Lee. I did the translation after graduation from university in summer to learn more about the technology trend and practise my translation skill.

Translation of Kaifu Lee’s post on LinkedIn - Why isn’t There a Mark Zuckerberg in China?

李开复LinkedIn文章翻译之八 - 为什么中国没有马克·扎克伯格?

More specifically, why are there hardly any twenty-year-old wunderkind entrepreneurs in China?


I pulled the last 10 China IT IPOs in the US, and found that the founders were 33 when they started their companies. At Innovation Works, the average entrepreneur age is also 33. We all know the Y Combinator or Ron Conway are funding younger and younger entrepreneurs in the Valley. What happened in China?

我找出了中国IT业最近10个在美国的IPO,发现这些创始人创立公司的时候都33岁了。在创新工场,创业者的平均年龄也是33。我们都知道Y Combinator或Ron Conway正在硅谷向越来越年轻的创业者投资。那中国到底怎么回事呢?

There are several major reasons why top Chinese entrepreneurs are 10 years older than their counterparts in the Silicon Valley:


  1. Chinese education tends to be better for depth than breadth. In other words, when you graduate as a software engineer, you may have very strong fundamentals in math and engineering, but you don’t get as much exposure to user experience, communications, product design, business acumen, team-work, etc. as you would in a typical US university. Moreover, Chinese schools focus more on tests from textbooks, while American schools care more about learning-by-doing. In short, the American education better prepares a student to be an entrepreneur.


  2. The top American young entrepreneurs tend to be rebellious and spontaneous – Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry/Sergey, and Mark Zuckerberg all dropped out of school because they wanted to follow their heart and realize their dream. But in China, the environment, culture, and education system care more about discipline, harmony, and conformity. All students follow similar curriculum, and take standardized tests. Grades are considered the primary measure of intelligence and success. As a result, a Jobs-like rebel in China is much more likely to be shamed into oblivion, stifled into submission, or rejected into the dark side.

    顶尖的美国年轻创业者倾向于叛逆和自主 – 比尔·盖茨、史蒂夫·乔布斯,拉里/谢尔盖和马克·扎克伯格都退学了,因为他们想要遵从自己的内心并实现自己的梦想。但在中国,环境、文化和教育系统更关注纪律、和谐和一致性。所以的学生按照相似的课程上课,还参加标准化的考试。分数被认为是智力和成功的基本衡量标准。结果,中国像乔布斯那样的叛逆者更可能会被羞辱到遗忘,被扼杀到服从,或是被拒绝到不为人知。

  3. The Chinese Internet market is a very tough environment, described by some as a gladiatorial fight to the death. One company has registered a competitor’s domain name and built an identical service to fool users; companies de-install each other’s software and change user selections without informing the user; Weibo (Chinese twitter) is used as a battleground for name-calling and rumor-mongering; lawsuits and arrests are common competitive escalations. This is too dangerous a “playground” for a young CEO who hasn’t had ten years of experience and a dozen scars from virtual duels.


So in China, VCs generally prefer the thirty-something entrepreneur who are more mature, experienced, and adept at execution. They are more resilient and dependable, but perhaps less innovative and passionate. They desire success, but may not “think different”. They are a different breed of entrepreneurs from the Silicon boys.



